Nabonidus Cylinder, an example of the limitations of Archology and evidence the Bible was right all along.


(this is a snapshot of the Overview page, a shorter section just on this one topic) Archeology overwhelmingly supports the Bible as many secular archeologists admit. But it deals with fragmented or sometimes inaccurate archeological information. It requires guesses and assumptions sometimes. Remember written language itself was developing during these times and there was no universal dating system. So some critics can quickly develop skewed opinions with the unclear areas. Many times they have thought the Bible was wrong, only to find later it wasn’t. e.g. For centuries they thought the Bible was wrong because it mentions Belshazzar as king of Babylon and everyone knew it was Nabonidus. Other details were off too. Then in 1882 they found a small detail on the Nabonidus Cylinders” which clarified it all. Nabonidus left his reign to his son Belshazzar as co-regent while he was away most of his reign. That’s why Daniel became the “third ruler of the kingdom” (Daniel 5:29) and not the second. The cylinders were buried and forgotten and this detail was lost to ancient historians as Babylon was destroyed. Historians just 100 years later (Herodotus, Megasthenes, Berossus) mention only Nabonidus. This gives credibility to the Book of Daniel and it’s amazingly accurate prophesies because it must have been written close to the events before the detail was lost. The Bible was also criticized and then vindicated on the peoples of the Hittites, the Horites, and the Edomites.